Phalacrocorax carbo
Great Cormorant, Storskarv Skarv.

Bird Flu's low impact on Cormorants.
This winters out brake of bird flu seams to have had only scarce impact on Denmark's population of Great Cormorants.
Covering only 0,3 % of the palearctic area, the country houses 11,6 % of the European population with 40.000 pairs or approximately 200.000 birds, which is more Cormorants than what is reported in Russia. And this is not
in for an immediate change.
And we know for sure. Every spring during the last days of April and the first weeks of May, Danish Cormorants are counted via a systematic and literally simultaneous operation across the country carried out by the National Environment Research Institute. Pictures on this page are from their Monday May 8th counting of the two larger Zealand colonies, one situated in the lake of Esrum Sø and the other one at the lake of Holløse Bredning. Both of them within 20 miles of the city of Copenhagen.
And the numbers, 615 nest at Esrum and 1024 at Holløse, shows only little variation from last years results.



 Birds of Denmark last edited 06. september 2009   © ©